Specialization - Food Industry
Located in Brittany, ART4U works with a number of Breton companies in the food industry.
For the most part, these are family businesses with a high added value.
This is how Miranda Joubioux came to closely examine the way butter and cream are made, working with companies such as Laiterie Le Gall and MALO.
Her expertise inspired an article she wrote on cream for Traduire, the SFT's review on translation, since there are differences in the way each country processes cream and this can cause problems when translating recipes, the names of dishes, marketing documents, and websites.
For the most part, these are family businesses with a high added value.
This is how Miranda Joubioux came to closely examine the way butter and cream are made, working with companies such as Laiterie Le Gall and MALO.
Her expertise inspired an article she wrote on cream for Traduire, the SFT's review on translation, since there are differences in the way each country processes cream and this can cause problems when translating recipes, the names of dishes, marketing documents, and websites.