Professional translator

Miranda Joubioux was born and grew up in the region of Dublin, Ireland. After completing her leaving certificate, she went on to study at University College Dublin, where she qualified with a master's degree in linguistics in 1987. Drawn by the publishing profession, she then went on to work for the Marketing Department at Oxford University Press, before moving to France, where she has been living in the region of Brittany, for more than 34 years.

In 1996, she joined a web agency, where she started working as a translator. In 2002 she left this job to pursue this new passion. In 2004, she created her company ART4U which offers a range of personalised services focusing on English communication, with the accent placed on the translating websites.

Since then, she has specialised in a variety of fields, among which are the nautical industry, architecture and construction, the food industry and tourism.

What are her strengths as a translator? She speaks French perfectly and has a very good command of written French. She is professional, independent, skilled, and she responds quickly to requests. She is also very dynamic and enjoys working with a network of colleagues.